You will be shown a position from a chess game. Guess the 5 next moves played in the game. After each guess, the color of the tile will show how close you were. It's like Wordle, or Chessle, but for chess games.
Nd5 is the correct move in the correct spot.
The move Bxb6 is in the played line, but in the wrong spot.
The same piece-type was played in this spot, but the move is wrong. In this case, a knight was played, but not necessarily the same knight.
NB! The notation has to be identical for the moves to be considered the same (Nxf7 and Nxf7+ aren't considered the same moves).
A new position will appear every day at midnight UTC.
michaelLB (1766) – noesito (1728)
Your guesses: